Saturday, April 9, 2011

Gonzalo Lira : Why hyperinflation is coming to the US

Gonzalo Lira on The Financial Sense Newshour Apr/09/2011

Gonzalo Lira : ....there will be no buyers for these treasury issues that are going to be necessary to finance this tremendous deficit so this talk that QE2 is going to end prematurely is all baloney , there are simply no buyers , China is not buying nor is Japan which has to deal with its own problems , the only buyer out there is the Federal Reserve , Gonzalo Lira believes that when QE2 is going to end in June it is going to be somehow extended they are going to have because there simply no buyers.....we should instead cut military spending , these two wars are pointless says Gonzalo that will be real deficit reduction..

1 comment:

  1. Gonzalo, I have a big question which I still cannot get answered. I understand the path to hyperinflation and have begun to protect my wealth and my families safety. But, what do we do once it hits or after? If I have over 1000 ounces in silver, what do we do with it? Is this part just up in the air? Will another currency become the position, but will that currency devalue gold and silver?


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