Monday, December 19, 2011

Marc Faber : NDAA bill is a very dangerous legislation

Marc Faber : Well my main concern is that the world, especially the Western World, Europe and the U.S. is far less free than when we were children. I mean I talk to my friends all the time about this. When I grew up in the 50’s and 60’s, we had enormous freedom. Now, everything is controlled, every move you make is controlled. And the recent legislation in the U.S., whereby Americans can be detained by the military and put in jail without trial, is a very dangerous legislation. And my view is that the cold war was good at the time, you had super powered that opposed each other, and they were very careful what they did. Now you have fragmented world and most dangerously, you have a superpower that is from a secular point of view, long-term point of view in a relative decline compared to the rest of the world. And that superpower, has elements in the military and the conservatives, that are rather aggressive. At the same time, you have China rising, you have India rising, there is a rivalry between the two countries, and you have essentially in Russia a system where this is how far the Western World will go and not beyond. And so yes, to some extent, the tensions have increased dramatically. And what has also changed is when I grew up, China was oil self-sufficient. Now they import nine million barrels of oil a day. They are dependent on Middle Eastern oil. And believe me, this is the number one concern of the Chinese leadership: how do we get access to resources without interruption? - in FSN
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