Saturday, September 5, 2009

Now you need a machine gun Marc Faber

Marc Faber on Lateline

Marc Faber : "having faith in the US administration? I wonder WHO on Earth would have faith in the US administration. Certainly, not someone who thinks!"
"Ben Bernanke is like a ship captain , he has warning signs he sails the ship , the storm is coming , he disregards any warning signals , he disregards the storm signals , he sinks the ship thousands passengers drown , he saves the crew in his control tower 5 officers and himself in a life boat , then he gets the medal for bravery for saving 5 people , that's wall street the 5 people , the rest of the country is basically bankrupt " "It's a total joke "
"whoever would have been appointed would have been Obama's puppet , there is no better choice "
"now you need a machine gun!"
"It's very difficult for me to make any forecasts out 9-12 months myself, because I have to see to what lengths the government and Fed will continue to go. My assumption is there is nothing that will stop them - they don't have to face voters until August 2010 recess so the piggy bank is their oyster for the next 11 months."

Marc Faber Lateline TV Australia Peter Schiff economy economic collapse crash gold silver oil bubble doom inflation depression recession rogers faber ron paul ben bernanke euro dollar currency crisis stagflation commodities bear bull market

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