Thursday, November 26, 2009

Marc Faber predicts WW3

Marc Faber Blog

Marc Faber sees big financial bust leading to war

BusinessIntelligence Middle East
November 25, 2009
Marc Faber, the Swiss fund manager and Gloom Boom & Doom editor, said eventually there will be a big bust and then the whole credit expansion will come to an end. Before that happens, governments will continue printing money which in time will lead to a very high inflation rate, and the economy will not respond to continued stimulus.
Speaking at a conference in Singapore on Wednesday, Faber said: “The crisis has not solved anything. On the contrary there is less transparency today than there was before. The government’s balance sheet is expanding, and the abuses that have led to the one cause of the crisis have continued”.
“I think eventually there will be a big bust and then the whole credit expansion will come to an end,” Faber added.
“Before that happens, governments will continue printing money which in time will lead to a very high inflation rate, and the economy will not respond to stimulus”.
In one of his Gloomiest predictions, Faber, referred to as Dr Doom, said “the average family will be hurt by that, and then in order to distract the attention of the people, the governments will go to war”.
“People ask me against whom? Well, they will invent an enemy,” Faber said.
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