Saturday, August 28, 2010

Faber : Bonds bubble like Dot-com bubble

Marc Faber Bonds bubble

Marc Faber stay away from the 19 year long bull run

Marc Faber : “I think there isn’t much upside potential in Treasuries unless it’s for the short term. Even the short term is uncertain. But if I look 10 years ahead, where do I want to have my money? Certainly not in U.S. Treasuries.”
"In 1999-2000, foreigners also wanted to buy the Nasdaq, and what happened after that was a massive collapse," Faber said. "So I don't see foreign buying as a very intelligent leading indicator." Marc Faber explained that he is 'not interested in buying an asset class that has been in a bull market for 19 years,' and that he would rather place his investments in farmland, agricultural commodities and of course gold.

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