Thursday, September 9, 2010

Marc Faber : people should have some money in physical gold

Marc Faber on moneycontrol Sept 08 2010 


Marc Faber : "I think that there are people who have extreme views either extremely bullish or extremely bearish. I think we maybe in a kind of a trading range whereby first we go down somewhat into October-November and then rally again towards the end of the year.

I think the difficulty is what to do with money when interest rates are essentially at zero on US dollar then obviously people look at their portfolios and they see stocks that have dividend yields. In Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, you can have stocks yielding 5% on the dividend. So, the money flows essentially into these stocks."
"We have touched 1,010 at the low point and we trade it several times around 1,040. Though there is some support there, but I wouldn’t bet that it’s not going to be broken on the downside. The fact is simply the economy is not doing well and it is very likely that they will have more monetary easing and further stimulus packages. I am not sure that the stock market will take that well, maybe the stock market won’t be very happy about additional stimulus, more interventions into the free market. Though anything could happen, but let’s put it this way that I do not think that we will go and breakdown below the March 2009 level. I think that may have seen a major low and that we will be in a kind of a trading range around this level we are at here. "
"I think what is frequently overlooked are geopolitical tension and the relationship between India and China have deteriorated lately. I think we may have geopolitical events that could play a role in valuation of asset. That’s why I tell people they should have some money in physical gold."...etc...

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