Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Marc Faber : Treasuries will be a disaster for investors

"It is a fallacy to believe that easy money and the purchase of treasuries will boost economic activity in the US," Faber told Bloomberg in a phone interview from Thailand.
"Money will flow into equities at least over the next couple of weeks, and into commodities," Faber said.
"Over the last two years we eased massively in the US and where did the growth take place? In Asia".
"So when we talk about job creation, do you think that Intel or a small businessman will hire more people in the US because of further monetary printing?" "No! they will build factories in Asia and hire people in Asia and all the monetary policies in the US create mis-allocation of capital and unintended consequences," Faber added
"In my view over the next 10 years, Treasuries will be a disaster for investors,"

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