Sunday, July 17, 2011

Economist John Williams on the Road to Hyperinflation 2014

John Williams - Financial Sense NewsHour 14 July 2011

John Williams of Shadow stats talks about the road to hyperinflation 2014 and the fake government numbers .Economist of Shadow Government Statistics and founder John Williams claims government employment and inflation numbers are inaccurate, and economy is shakier than indicated.There is no way we could possibly pay our debt either we raise the taxes or we do not either we cut social security or we do not , we are headed towards a Wiemar Republic type of hyperinflation and a banana republic kind of government ....the whole system is collapsing

1 comment:

  1. I was early. I was short the market and t-bonds in 1987. If Greenspan had allowed the markets to clear honestly, then these financial predators would have been punished and savers like me would have been in charge. They intervened and saved the speculators over and over and now we have this disaster. There are no painless solutions. Only very bad vs terrible.
    Too bad. It need not have come to this. BLAME THE BOOMERS. THE MOST NARCISSTIC GENERATION in history.


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