Saturday, September 17, 2011

The baby boomers were born into a generation of entitlement

Marc Faber : I have to make here a distinction , in Asian societies , if you do not work you have nothing nobody will give you anything government does not come in and helps you , the problem is that the baby boomers were born into a generation of entitlement , whatever you do if something goes wrong the government will step in and give it to you , you are sick the government will pay , you cause an accident in the highway , insurance paid by the government will pay , and and and ....All I am saying is basically if you want to have a properly functioning economy it has to be a market economy , if you believe in a market economy and capitalistic system you don't believe in government intervention, If you want to have a properly functioning economy it has to be a market economy with all its drawbacks and disadvantages and the pain for individuals. That is the only way it will function. - in Yahoo Finance

1 comment:

  1. Marc, you are both illiterate and uninformed. You must be under 30? I'm a boomer, and the government has never given me a single thing. I don't recall anything being offered to myself or anyone else. Civil rights was an issue during these times, but the concept of welfare and retribution payments came later after the riots were over. The entitlements began in the late 1970's as corporations began gradually moving manufacturing overseas, a small socialist compensation for our immense losses. The 'boomers' came before all of that, when people were employed and earned their own money. I guess it's easy to reinvent history and place the blame on someone else if you weren't there. Learn how to write, by the way. A little punctuation here and there would be nice. Plurals where singulars belong. Do you speak as you write? If so, then just shut the hell up!!


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