Sunday, March 18, 2012

Marc Faber : The FED is about the worst economic forecaster you can imagine

Marc Faber : The FED is about the worst economic forecaster you can imagine

Marc Faber : The FED is about the worst economic forecaster you can imagine. They are academics. They never go to a local pub. They never go shopping -- or they lie. But basically they are a bunch of people who never worked a single day in their lives. They’re not businessmen that have to balance the books, earn some money by selling goods, and paying the expenditures. They get paid by the government. And so these people have no clue about the economy.
And, so what happens is they never paid any attention to excessive credit growth -- and let me remind you, between 2000 and 2007, credit growth was five times the growth of the economy in nominal terms. In other words, in order to create one dollar of GDP, you had to borrow another five dollars from the credit market. Now this came to an end in 2008.
Now the Fed never having paid any attention to credit growth, they realized if we have a credit-addicted economy and credit growth slows down we have to print money. So that’s what they did. But believe me it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that if you print money you don’t create prosperity. Otherwise, every country would be unbelievably rich because every country would print money and be happy thereafter.


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