Saturday, July 28, 2012

Marc Faber The Money & Wealth Show Interview - 27 July 2012

Marc Faber The Money & Wealth Show Interview - 27 July 2012

Marc Faber : for the time being and near term , political decisions affect market movements but in the long run it's market forces that will prevail and overrun everything , so if you have money printing , yes you can create additional bubbles like we created the NASDAQ bubble and then the housing bubble and so forth but in the long run the market forces will teach central banks a real lesson that's I assure you , either you have rising asset prices like equities you have some inflation in the system what could also happen is after this asset inflation we have over the twenty or thirty years which was very considerable if you look at the price of paintings at the prices of commodities collectibles and so forth prices essentially of any kind of asset have gone up irregularly but still up very substantially and so at some stage I think the deflation will be right we will have a massive deflation , but the question is does it come right now or from an elevated level that we don't know , we just don't know .....


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