Sunday, May 5, 2013

Marc Faber : I am still Buying Gold, and I will never Sell my Gold

Marc Faber : I think maybe…the collapse in gold prices recently, and the very strong performance in U.S. Treasuries…is signaling that a deflationary shock, in spite of all the money printing, is still a possibility…I would say if you had a deflationary shock, about the last thing you should own are paper assets…But I think if the markets collapse…physical gold may be the [right] place to be relatively speaking.”
“I’m still buying gold, and I will never sell my gold. But I think the problem with investors, is that they always buy assets after they have moved [up] substantially…instead of continuously applying a disciplined investment strategy that implies diversification between real estate, cash and bonds, gold, and equities. - in bullmarketthinking


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