Marc Faber : But if you, for example, hold cash, but also you speculate. Then you speculate on the value of receiving the money. Here you will get virtually no interest, too. Whether inflation is actually so low as to publish the central bank, but it is very questionable. Energy costs have risen sharply, and the costs in the health sector, for example. Also the real estate prices rise significantly. A good indicator is the art market. The prices for images attract strong. So there are already signs of inflation. The tragic is that real wages fall and rising cost of living. This is particularly the middle class.
Summarily translated from :
Original Text in German :
Aber nach wie vor gibt es keine Inflation. Und damit hat man mit Gold nur ein Investment, das keine Zinsen abwirft. Und nur auf die Wertsteigerung zu hoffen, erscheint doch reichlich spekulativ.
Aber wen