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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
👉Economist Nouriel Roubini Warns : The Party on Wall Street is Bad for Main Street
👉Economist Nouriel Roubini Warns : The party on Wall Street is Bad for Main Street
Dr. Nouriel Roubini, in an interview with Bloomberg Surveillance, warned that the stock market is completely disconnected from the dire economic outlook of a waning recovery amid continued depressionary pressures. Roubini says that we are going to go through a ten year of misery. The stock market is driven by only five tech companies, the rest of them are not doing well, and there is no recovery in the general economy insight. And what's good for wall street is actually bad for Maine street. Wall Street represents big firms, big tech, and big banks. At the same time, the main street represents workers, households, and small and medium-sized businesses. The stock market does not reflect the real economy; the Main street is struggling severely. The party on Wall Street driven by liquidity via central banks, has reinflated financial assets to nosebleed valuations as the labor market implodes. The demise of millions of small businesses underlines the bleak picture we face. This means unpaid rents and more empty storefronts as Main Street withers on the vine. Most small businesses are based on shaky ground.No savings, no financial planning for emergency situations, or the future. Most of these businesses are going bankrupt. Until now, much of the damage has been masked by the massive government stimulus. Unfortunately, the damage all this has produced will become apparent over the coming months from the strong headwinds facing our economy. Wall Street is not ignoring the Main Street crash. It is causing it. If Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, and Google were removed from the S&P 500 index, the overall main equity index would be flat on the year, as opposed to +35%. And if you're going to talk about crazy stock movement, we can't forget to add Tesla to that list. I can't imagine why everyone wouldn't need a new Tesla during major economic depression. The Fed does not care about common people. Of course, the main street crash is ignored. Wall Street does not care about Main Street. It never has. Main Street has been doomed since 1971. 1971 was the beginning of the End: Massive Monetary Disorder. The Gold standard was removed. And The US fiat was born. Wall Street gets the gold. Main Street gets the shaft, same as it ever was. All that matters is bankers. They give you 0.0001% on your savings rate return, negative with money dilution, and stealing on your hard work. And they charge you 23.63$% on Their credit card rate return on their free money. The Fed is Making billionaires, trillionaires. A vast majority of common people have no clue what the Fed is and what it does. The Fed and government allowed the banksters and corporations to loot the U.S. Treasury for trillions to stimulate the fraud market while the people suffer from the lockdown. The real economy can be measured by the money velocity M2. The charts show a decline since 2009, and the sudden plunge beginning in 2020. All the freshly printed money ends up in the hands of the .05%. Meantime the Fed's Blackstone will buy all the failed real estate, corporate assets cheap with free Federal Reserve money, and make billions. No one saw this coming! We need a few Trillions more for the CEO's. The bankers, too, need their bonuses and be rewarded for their talent. Apple now has a 2 trillion dollar market cap. I think we need another large corporate tax cut for them to get to 3 trillion. And how about Jeff Bezos. He could be the world's first trillionaire. We got to give him more breaks and handouts to get there. Mainstreet doesn't matter. Mainstreet and Wall Street have been separated for years. Wall street euphoria cares zero about the main street. Welcome to the negative real yield economy. Where every asset rallies as the preservation of capital tool. Thank you, the Fed for this asset price inflation. Has anyone considered the probability of the Fed running out of room to inflate? I suspect we will be the deepest depression of our lifetime. How much of that possibility has been priced into the market? Wall Street versus Main Street is the biggest divide in history. The too big to fail has gone ten times since 2008. And the COMPLETE CORRUPTION of DC and Wall Street is going into hyperdrive. The last financial crisis should have WIPED OUT all big banks. Instead, we rewarded their criminal actions. This isn't going to end well. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Please take a second to smash that like button. And as You know friends, I rely on your donations to keep this channel functional, as you know, it takes a crazy amount of research and time to bring you this content on a daily basis, so I hope you consider helping with whatever donation you can afford. Thank You. We have more than 40% of U.S. banks tightening the lending standards on loans to large and mid-size firms. We have at the same time, the percentage of banks reporting an increased willingness to make consumer loans fell by 20%. At this point, the only factors protecting the economy from consumers' inevitable breaking point are the Fed and government stimulus checks ,and the temporary largesse to landlords, banks, and other creditors. The federal moratorium on eviction notices may be extended. But at least 40 million renters face eviction by September 30. There's a cliff approaching. Major industries like Airlines, Hotel, Retail, Manufacturing have taken a huge hit due to lack of demand and following health guidelines disrupting the supply-side economy. Jobs are not going to come back overnight and will take years. It's not about your local store being able to out-compete Amazon. They can't for a multitude of reasons. It's about your money leaving your community the instant you click that buy button rather than staying to support and circulate in your community. I drove down the main street in my town and saw a ton of empty storefronts. People are now not only able to do a tremendous amount online from work to purchasing, etc., but they are being REQUIRED to do so. It's a transformation, and towns like mine are not going to look the same ever again. Once mass defaults and bankruptcies from the restaurant, airline, cruise, hotel, theater, hospitality, theme park, race track, casinos, and commercial real estate happen.We will all be miserable together. Americans are going to get hungry and angry. I assume the bank bailout will cost the US taxpayer several trillion dollars. As a society, we have not discussed honestly who should take the hit: e.g., renters or landlords or banks or savers or taxpayers? The politicians dance around the issue and talk about "fairness," but should we all take a hit? Is it really fair that the savers who had no stake in the risky assets should share in the losses or be bystanders to the gains? I do believe the day of reckoning is coming; there are a few stocks that are driving the markets higher, Tesla, FAANG, Microsoft, Nividia. They are all overbought. We have the bubble-like 2000. These stocks will go undergo a correction. In a pure capitalist system, the market determines the hit. We don't have to figure it out. But we are not in a free capitalist system. We are in a Fed manufactured illusion. The central bankers have lost their moral compass, and we are creating a moral hazard that only the financial elite understand. It cannot end well. And while it is immoral to do what the Fed and the politicians have been doing, it is perhaps even worse than the legacy media have been encouraging it. This is the plan . 1.)Trigger massive foreclosures again. 2.)Federal Reserve funded, Blackstone, buys up all the failed real estate for cheap. 3.)Sells or rents. A repeat of 2008. They are doing exactly what they were designed to do! Forcing everybody into the fake soviet style market, so boomer C-level execs and their complicit politicians can cash in on their options. The Federal Reserve is committed to goosing stocks through corporate buy-backs bond-buying forever. The Power That Be, including the Fed, have no choice but to goose stocks forever. 1) It's the easiest market to rig and control, except for precious metal markets. 2) All the pension programs and 401K programs depend on this. 3) It's the one piece of the economic narrative that tells some naive people that the economy is not in a free-fall. 4) It's where the wealthy get and keep their wealth. The banks have been bankrupt since the repo crisis of September 2019 started. But something tells me Wall Street is going to come crashing down to Main Street’s level within six months. They will have to pull the plug soon. Smart money is exiting now. The printing press does have limits, and China, Russia, and others conspiring to kick the US Dollar to the curb will one day make American money printing seriously consequential just like Zimbabwe. At some point stock drop hard, then the misery moves up the food chain. This recession is deemed permanent. This has been in the works for decades. Only blind and ignorant people have not seen what is coming. The only reason the stock market is not in the bin, around 0 - Zero, is inflating by money printing. That is how they rip off the rest of the world. The question is: how far down the road can they kick the can? The carnage we see all over the world has been instigated. It sounds like their aiming for society to come to an agreement for Totalitarian rules that fix all these problems. Can the reserve banks, including the Fed, go Bankrupt? They issue Fiat dollars (loan) to governments. The citizens pay interest (taxes) on the imaginary debt. The current interest on the 30+ trillion debt of the US alone is about 464 Billion per year. That's 1.3 Billion per every man, women, child, and illegal alien who currently reside here. At some point, the payers cannot meet the debt, and the entire system has no money and no credit. If no one has money to use as barter, they have no food, no heat, no shelter, no nothing what then? The banks have no money either. They can't hire proxy armies because they can't pay them, so whose going to work for nothing? A carrot would be worth more than a bar of gold. It wouldn't be a brave new world, especially and not even the Dark Ages. It seems more likely the Stone Age. I expect that after the US falls even further into debt after the passing of this next stimulus package, and after the free money from the federal reserve drives the dow above 30,000, then the gradual collapse of all of the markets should begin. I can't see this engineered crisis pass until the whole world markets and economies are plunged into darkness and are at the mercy of the international banking system. And we will then gladly accept their one world currency in place of the US dollar in exchange for a bailout. They will have the control they long desired, and we will be at their mercy. This following statement is said to be by Henry Kissenger: " Who controls the food supply controls the people; who control the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world." Main Street is not just struggling. It is under attack by wall street financial vampires. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Leave me a comment. Subscribe. 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Marc Faber is an international investor known for his uncanny predictions of the stock market and futures markets around the world.Dr. Doom also trades currencies and commodity futures like Gold and Oil.
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