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Wednesday, September 9, 2020
👉A Financial Catastrophe is Unfolding. Money Printing can't Create Economic Growth !
👉A Financial Catastrophe is Unfolding. Money Printing can't Create Economic Growth !
Debt is more addictive than opium. The United States of America is high on mountain of Debt and unfunded liabilities.
A Financial Catastrophe is Unfolding.
The economy is addicted to government bailouts.
Those who are asking for more government interference are asking ultimately for more compulsion and less freedom.
We have created the weakest economy in history, goosed by the biggest borrowing in history, increasing government spending more than ever, and running the biggest deficits in history over 3-4 trillion. We now sit at an all-time high in income inequality. With six people control more wealth than the bottom 60% of all Americans combined. We have an unsustainable economic model. Our road infrastructure continues to crumble, but our taxes keep on increasing. Low rates are killing both generations. Boomers are losing wealth, and millennials can't build it. Factories are not open. Car manufacturers are still only at 40%. Unemployment remains sky-high; the threat of a fresh wave of layoffs is rising.
The government is lying about true inflation and unemployment figures. The books are cooked. We still have around 40 million unemployed.
The pandemics severity turned a daunting task into a notional disaster leaving nearly 200,000 dead and 40 million unemployed, ratcheting up spending and American debt by $5 trillion.
The market hasn't been a reflection of the Economy for years.
, , We have today the Biggest stock bubble in history.
The market capitalisation-to-GDP ratio in the US is just shy of 200 percent. The S&P 500 companies alone are worth about 30 Trillion, or 150 percent of GDP.
Tesla is priced as if it is going to sell 100% of all the cars and solar panels on the planet next year.
There are zero reasons why the NASDAQ can reach all-time highs In the midst of a recession and a coming depression.
The only thing keeping this market going is there is no place to put your money to get a return. This is all a result of the Fed's zero interest rates.
The stock market bubble may have started popping.
The air could easily be coming out of this bubble. We’re down 10% on the NASDAQ in three days — three trading days. How do you know we won’t be down another 10% in the next three trading days? You don’t. Now, it could come back. Yeah, of course, the stock market could come back. This is all the Fed's doing. They have conditioned a whole generation that the Fed has their backs and that bear markets no longer exist, so just buy the dip. The Fed has got the market’s back. The Fed is the market’s friend. In fact, the Fed is the market’s only friend. The Fed is the only thing the market’s got going for it.
Our nation's economy is NOT going to recover within our lifetimes. Our Nation and our Economy, unfortunately will not survive as we have known it to be in the past. It is way too far gone now to Recover. Federal Debt, Corporate Debt, Consumer Debt, and Student loan debt are all at record highs and still growing. There is NO WAY Out of this mess we have created for Ourselves. Equally sad and upsetting is that we a rapidly heading in the wrong direction towards becoming a Third World nation ,where we turn upon one another like uncivilized mobsters in our future Quest for Survival of the Fittest of our species and relentless misery and suffering.
Not only the USA are a divided moral trainwreck internally, but they recklessly destroyed the balance of the rest of the world by imposing their domination on the cultural and economic fabric of most of the world, and very often through the force and threat of their military.
The era of globalization in the US started with Woodrow Wilson, WWI, and the Federal Reserve. End the Fed. End foreign entanglements and bring our troops home.
The present world crisis seems to be spelling the beginning of the end of Pax Americana.And may hold untold other major readjustments in the international division of fiat currency and world power in store for the future.
Knowing what the future holds forth for us is a Curse because regardless of how much we know with 100% certainty, we cannot change what is coming.
Whatever happens, the 1% will still rule, and the 99% will still be the Sheep.
Time for the sheep to break down the fences and escape into the larger pasture.
The future's so bright, you gonna need sunglasses!
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The European Central Bank will lower rates or announce more QE tomorrow. Those central bankers stick together. They all believe a weak currency is good for a nation. The race to the bottom continues, who will be the final winner in destroying their currency completely.
"Central banks are made up of bureaucrats and academics who do not know what they're doing. They do not know how markets work. They don't know much about the real world. These guys can't save the world. All they want to do is save their jobs.” - Jim Rogers.
The Central Bankers are trying to save their jobs, not the economy.They are trying to save their job at the expense of everyone else’s job.
They work for the government. They are employees. They only answer to the voters. If the voters are angry, they vote them out of office. So, they don't care about the economy. They will print trillions of dollars, even if it means it's going to kill the US economy. As long as they get re-elected this coming elections. They don't care about the US or voters, only in keeping their positions of power.
They know exactly they are merely carrying out the agenda set by their owners. This is the only to save their jobs. The owners of central banks do not set up central banks to serve you or me, but themselves. The ultimate objectives of owners of central banks are owners of everything (tangible assets, productive businesses, lenders/creditors). Look around; this is playing out right now!!
Eventually, loose monetary policy will damage real savings to the point that the economy can no longer sustain sufficient economic growth. At that point, it will become clear that money printing can't create economic growth.
The fed keeps printing money, which lowers it's valued and will eventually crash entirely. Precious metals are free from this because you can't just magically create precious metals. That's what makes it the best currency. At some point in our future, the US dollar will be an irrelevant currency, while precious metals will still have value.
Zimbabwe is where all this printing will go. The system we know today is only about 100 years. History will repeat and a reset.
"The dot-com bubble that formed over five years was fed by cheap money, easy capital, market overconfidence, and pure speculation" - sounds like history is going to repeat again.
This cannot be permanent. With every fake dollar printed, it dilutes the value of all the rest of the dollars in the system. It's like a bartender who adds just a tad of water to the alcoholic drink. He starts out with a teaspoon at first, then goes to two, then to three, but there is some point where the purchaser of the drink wakes up and says: what the hell? This is nothing but water; then hell breaks loose.
The central banks have to keep pumping up the markets. Fed Will prop up the Stock Exchange with the last drop of the blóod.
When asset prices collapse, so does the financial system when bankers have been lending to inflate asset prices.
What the individual American has to realize is that the policy of inflation makes it impossible for him to organize his working, earning, spending, and saving in such a way that he could provide for the future of his family. This is why the inflationary policy is the most radical revolutionary institution in the world. — Ludwig von Mises.
The solution is to be out of debt. With no debt, you have a lot of options. To get out of debt, you have to forego a lot of stuff that your peers have. Do you really need a $5 cup of coffee every morning? that is $1250 a year. How about all the streaming services?
That brand new fancy car? Luxury home? No, those are wants, not needs. Focus on your needs and less on your wants to get out of debt. Once there, do not go back into debt. Then you will be fine. Take responsibility for you're own health. Strengthen your ur immune system. Change your mindset! You can be prosperous amidst chaos and confusion. It's your choice. Don't wait for the government to give you handouts. Read between the lines. Do your own research and find out who's telling the truth.
Stop spending money on meaningless things that are irrelevant during this time. Take your money, save it for just necessities right now. Regroup and understand how finance works. Re access to your finances and start over. Become creative; use your talents. Good idea to look into asset management, away from industry work and more IT work. Dig deeper, stay safe.
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Marc Faber is an international investor known for his uncanny predictions of the stock market and futures markets around the world.Dr. Doom also trades currencies and commodity futures like Gold and Oil.
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