Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Marc Faber On Bloomberg 8-29-2010 - Fed and Japan Money Printing

Marc Faber believes the greatest risk to global economy is the impending inflation that will occur due to easy Central Bank policy and money printing . Faber says Friday’s “key reversal day” was a sign that markets will perceive further government intervention as inflationary and will result in higher prices for commodities, equities and gold:

Marc Faber : as the economy does not recover much the central banks around the world will print money and nobody really wants to have a strong currency , what is more important to recognize is the impact on asset market ....I think last friday was an interesting day , first of all we had over the last ten days a lot of negative news and front page articles about that the market strategist expect the S&P to drop and so forth and that government bonds will continue to rally and on Friday we had a key reversal day where stocks close up strongly on the day after having been down in the morning and when bonds tumble , first to understand the market in my opinion will perceive easy move by central banks around the world as being inflationary ...."
This transcript was done manually and is far from being accurate....
Marc Faber talks via telephone about the federal reserve money printing

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