Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Bonds are bad, says Marc Faber FT Alphaville

Marc Faber Dr Doom :"Since we had in 2008 the third best annual return (41%) in the last 35 years and since each time high returns were followed by negative returns I would be — regardless of the economic outlook — very reluctant to invest in long term government and also in corporate bonds. In fact, on a further deterioration in economic activity and amidst severe deflationary pressures (as postulated by the deflationists) I would be even more negative about US government bonds than under an economic recovery scenario. Why? Because further economic weakness (inevitable in my opinion) will lead to further fiscal stimulus packages and necessitate further money printing."

"I should also mention some concerns (for now of short-term nature) I have about commodity prices including gold. A large number of commodities including oil, the CRB Index, and gold broke out on the upside in early October. I would regard a failure to hold above the “upside breakout points” in the period directly ahead with great caution. In the case of gold a decline below $1000 would likely lead to further more meaningful weakness (possibly down to between $800 and $900)."
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