Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Gold, Equities,credit, inflation, Bonds And The US Dollar

Money printing, debt growth and deficits don't create prosperity, says Marc Faber

“I believe next year’s economy will face even larger deficits. Their deficit is attempting to stimulate credit growth. Unless real credit growth returns, they will have to put more and more money into the system to maintain the status quo. All polices target consumption. That is a mistake,” Faber says.
"In the period, 2001 -2007, the Fed managed to do something that had never before been done - create a worldwide bubble in just about everything. Stocks, bonds, art, oil, housing - you name it; it went up. The only thing that didn't go up was the dollar," Faber said.
"Bubbles had been localized in the past," Faber explained. "A bubble in one area drew investment from another area. In one market, prices soared. In another they slumped. Overall, things didn't change much."
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